


【培訓】EMI Tutor 培訓 2024 第一梯次

你想成為一名EMI 學習輔導員嗎?

EMI Tutor培訓帶領你一步一步進入核心,透過實務訓練,體驗tutor所扮演的重要角色!

  • 活動時間:2024/03/25-2024/05/27
  • 報名時間:即日起,額滿為止
  • 活動報名:報名連結
  • 活動備註:提供完訓證書或時數證明

Would you like to become an EMI Tutor? Step by step, we will guide you through the core of Tutor Training, including practical section training to experience the vital role of a tutor! 

  • Date:2024/03/25-2024/05/27
  • Registration Period: From now until full registration is reached.
  • Register link: Registration
  • Reminder: Upon completing the entire training, you will receive certificates!


課程管理師 謝小姐 pilun88@mail.ntust.edu.tw

課程管理師 陳小姐 chiehanchen@mail.ntust.edu.tw